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Update time, here we go!

9/21 @ 2:38pm EST - A slow day for commits; Andre is working on collider batching and Scott did a first pass at blood impact effects. More tomorrow.

9/18 @ 4:00pm EST - Another client patch was just released, this one works...

9/18 @ 2:40pm EST - The team has been working on a bunch of fixes today which they released a hotfix for just a little while ago. Unfortunately, the patch is fucked (game won't load). Expect a hotfix for the hotfix shortly. In the meantime, if you haven't updated, don't.

5:20pm EST - Devblog is out along with the client / server update! Our servers are updated; main, dev, savas have wiped. Enjoy!

3:00pm EST - The update stream is live!

11:11am EST - We're seeing a bunch of fixes and small changes this morning. Most notably, the torch has been completely nerfed and barbwire has been added to the stone wall (no more climbing over with ladders!).

2:46am EST - The team at Facepunch has a big update in store for today! In this first iteration of the new release schedule, we’re seeing the holosight, high gates, attack helicopter event (probably), improvements to the savas map, collider batching, and much more!

This update does not force a wipe, however, as always, server owners may wipe at their discretion (Rustafied server wipe info below).

Tune in for the live update stream starting at 3pm EST and follow @Rustafied for updates throughout the day. Now, let’s get into it...

Update summary video

Don't feel like reading? Check out our update summary video!


Second of the new weapon mods, the holosight will be a must for any Rust marksmen. Pretty much exactly the same as legacy (the model is a placeholder), the holosight costs twice as much as the silencer and provides a (slightly jittery) red dot and a little extra zoom than the iron sights. Here are some details and pictures.

  • It is a rare, non-default blueprint
  • It costs 60 high quality metal and takes 2 minutes to craft
  • It can be placed on all guns except revolver, waterpipe and eoka

More gun examples here.

Attack helicopter event

Revealed last week, the attack helicopter is the newest event in Rust. Much more complex and exciting than an airdrop, this helicopter will scour the map, looking for targets to obliterate. Although it has been merged into main, we’re not 100% it’ll make it into the update this week. Read more on my post from Friday, Attack Helicopters: What you need to know.

Update: It's looking like this will make it in this update. Here are some important things to know...

  • You can't just spray and pray at this thing all willy-nilly. You need to precisely take out the engine, main rotor and rear rotor to take it down.
  • It will not attack naked unless provoked.
  • The loot is insanely good (I'm talking airdrop on crack).

Admin commands for the Attack Helicopter:

  • heli.calltome
  • heli.strafe
  • heli.bulletAccuracy ( 2 default, higher is less accurate )
  • heli.bulletDamageScale (1 default, multiplier*)

* bullet damage is 10, meaning, 'damagescale 2' would be 20 damage

High gate

Walling in your compound just got a bit easier with the addition of the high gate. This structure attaches to your exterior walls and provides a lockable, double door. Watch out, although the animation is awesome, this puppy moves slow enough to allow miscreants to slip in. Here are some specifics and pictures:

  • It is a non-default blueprint
  • Costs 800 wood and takes 60 seconds to craft
  • You can place a code lock or key lock
  • You cannot place ladders on it
  • It has 1250 health and is susceptible to melee tools (several hp per hit)
  • It takes 3 C4 to knock down

Other mod changes

Along with adding the holosight, Garry has improved several dynamics of weapon mods in general. Here’s a rundown:

  • Mod slots show on weapon icons
  • Drag a mod onto a gun to equip it
  • Mods lose condition (must be repaired separate from guns)
  • A bunch of bug fixes (basically, shit no longer disappears)

New iron sights

In conjunction with his work on mods, Garry has redone the system for iron sights. Now more accurate than ever, the view models for projectile weapon have been repositioned. Here are some examples:

Savas improvements

Petur has made a ton of improvements to the newest map, Savas Island. Featuring a small build zone, improved loot (including explosives), more airdrops, bullet farm, and even spotlights; this map has reached a new level of excitement and playability. See full details here.

Death info on server join

Offline raiding has shifted, and the possibilities for revenge are now endless. Saving life stories to a database, Garry has made it so players will be able to see who killed them while they were offline. In other words, next time you log on only to wake up on the beach, you’ll know who put you there.

Heart rate

Garry has tweaked metabolism by adding a heart rate. Melee attacks now increase your heart rate which, in turn, causes you to burn calories more quickly. Basically, pack a couple extra slabs of wolf prior to running any naked slashing marathons on the beach.

Collider batching / warmups

Andre has done a ton of work on batching colliders and preloading resources. As mentioned in last week's devblog, this work revolves around reducing stutters and allowing servers to run longer. Expect a detailed summary of this on the devblog.

Mute commands

Move over kick and ban, a new option for reprimanding players is afoot. Admins can now mute and unmute both chat and voice. Here are the commands:

  • admin.mutevoice [PLAYERNAME]
  • admin.unmutevoice [PLAYERNAME]
  • admin.mutechat [PLAYERNAME]
  • admin.unmutechat [PLAYERNAME]

Other stuff

  • Fixed signs not showing images sometimes
  • Reloading bolt counts as a cycle
  • Reload sounds audible to others
  • Can wear hats with bandana
  • Unity 5.2 - Basically a shitload of little things
  • Oil craters have bubbles
  • Crossbow loading animation
  • Admin give command now accepts partial item names
  • A bunch of FX improvements for picking up stone/mushrooms, gathering, bullets, and torches.
  • A ton of progress on the dungeons, however, nothing in the game yet. See more on the devblog.

Wipe info

Here are the details of wipes on Rustafied servers (map only, no blueprint wipes):

  • Main - Will wipe with update
  • Dev branch - Will wipe with update
  • Savas - Will wipe with update
  • Low pop - Will not wipe
  • Hapis - Will not wipe

What's that trivia thing on the right?

You may have noticed, there’s a new trivia applet on the right sidebar. My goal with this is to provide up to date trivia about Rust and to help generate some revenue for the site so I can keep it going (yes, there are ads). I’m giving this a go for a bit to see how it works. Don’t worry, if it doesn’t work out, I’ll remove it.

Don’t know what I’m talking about? Please consider pausing adblock to check it out and support the site!

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