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Oh boy, this is going to be good...

5/15 @ 2:47pm EST - Not much going on in development today so no update post... Time to play!

6:38pm EST - Update is live, our servers are restarting and updating now.

6:25pm EST - Devblog is out!

4:05pm EST - And the update stream is live! Come see what's new this week! 

3:13pm EST - Just added a short video demonstrating the bullet drop of the normal ammo vs. the new high velocity ammo.

3:06pm EST - To all you asking about quarries... never you mind, that's something for next week or the week after.

2:56pm EST - The latest development build just came out and appears to be working... this is a good thing. Getting prepped to start the live update stream soon!

2:30pm EST - Just got clarification from Helk, the smoke rockets are not going to be found in loot this week because they still need some work.

1:50pm EST - No update to main yet. The current development build errors out when you start it. A fixed version is being built by Jenkins now, will let you know when it's live. 

11:41am EST - Added a short video of the high velocity and smoke rockets.

9:20am EST - It’s the day we've all been waiting for and, holy shit, this just keeps getting better! Introducing more new items than we normally see in a month, this update is something to be excited about. Given the team is still actively putting items in, I’m going to be adding to this post as the day progresses.

Follow @Rustafied to track updates throughout the day and tune in to our live update stream starting around 4pm EST to see us play with the new items and answer questions.

Floor spikes

A new trap to snare your enemies is in play: Floor spikes. These pointy motherfuckers are placed on the ground and deal damage to anyone who is unfortunate enough to step near them. They cannot be placed on foundations, however, you can place a foundation on top of already placed spikes. This should make for some interesting base defense / Newman traps. Here’s some more details:

  • Cost: 300 wood
  • Crafting time: 180 seconds
  • Not a default blueprint, you’ll have to find one or research it

Supply signals

Supply signals are back! For those of you who never played legacy, you toss this puppy like a grenade, it blows some smoke and, within a little bit, a plane drops a crate directly overhead. Watch where you toss this thing, it’s bound to attract unwanted attention. Also, use sparingly, because like rad pills, supply signals cannot be researched or crafted.

Candle hat

As ridiculous as it may seem, there is a new way to illuminate your surroundings via a candle on your head. Whether you like the design or not, the functionality cannot be denied. This’ll be good for finding your way around at night along with providing a great target practice for people with bolt actions.

  • Cost: 30 cloth, 10 animal fat
  • Not a default blueprint
  • Good for several minutes of light before it disappears
  • Cannot be repaired

New barricades

3 new types of barricades have been added: Stone, sandbag and concrete. I’m a little confused about these because they don’t snare you like the other barricades and you can easily jump over them. In addition, they cannot be stacked, so good luck using them to block anyone from anything. That said, they look pretty cool, and can be used as cover in a gunfight. Here’s some details:

  • Stone barricade: 100 stones
  • Sandbag barricade: 150 stones
  • Concrete barricade: 200 stones
  • None are default blueprints

Hapis unsucked

The “legacy inspired” custom map which was introduced at the beginning of the month is finally playable! With nodes respawning properly and 3 rad towns which give loot, I see some great games in store for Hapis Island. Most interesting, the satellite rad town does not have radiation, allowing people to build right inside of it.

Tune in to the Rustafied twitch tonight, I'll be streaming from our Hapis server after the update hits.

High velocity ammo

Helk has been heads down in the ammo system, adding high velocity rounds for pistol and rifle ammo. These rounds travel farther, do slightly more damage and cost more gunpowder (20 as opposed to 5).

To switch the type of ammo you're firing, hold "R" and select from the radial menu.

Eoka uses any type of ammo

In addition to the high velocity rounds, Helk has made it so the Eoka can fire any type of ammo (except rockets). This ups the versatility of this weapon in a big way.

High velocity and smoke rockets

That's right, we also have 2 new types of rockets! The high velocity rockets travel farther than normal rockets but deal less damage. The smoke rockets (still a work in progress) do exactly what you'd think, lay down a thick layer of smoke where they hit. Here's what they cost:

80 metal frags
150 gunpowder
10 explosives

High Velocity Rocket
80 metal frags
200 gunpowder
10 explosives

Smoke Rocket
80 metal frags
200 gunpowder
25 low grade fuel

More details:

  • High velocity and smoke rockets travel the same distance
  • Smoke rockets do not deal damage (hence the lack of explosives)
  • Given it's a work in progress, you won't be finding any smoke rockets in barrels this week

Headshot noise is back

We asked, Facepunch delivered. That delightful headshot squish from Legacy is back! Fucking awesome, although it does seem to be drowned out a bit by the awesome new gun noises…

New gun noises

Alex has finished his pass on the gun noises and holy shit do they sound good! With a much louder sound which echoes across the landscape, guns sound much more like guns now. 

Edit: Helk just informed me these still need some work and will be getting reverted before the update goes live.

Other stuff

  • No longer lose items when disconnected while crafting
  • No more building inside rocks
  • New visuals for fire
  • Blood mist effects
  • Changes to jumping - Basically, to hop on a block, before you had to apply the direction then jump. Now, you have to jump, then apply the direction. I think this was a part of an exploit fix for jumping off bags and shit like that.

Are the servers wiping?

Although no wipe is forced on procedural maps with this update, we will be wiping our main and dev branch servers due to high entity counts. Our Hapis map server will also be wiping when the update hits (that one is forced). Low pop will not be wiping. No blueprints will be wiped on any of our servers.

Note on low pop: We're getting close to the Unity collider limit on this one, however, as is the priority with low pop, I won't wipe until we absolutely have to. I will be playing with speeding up the decay rate in an attempt to extend the server as long as possible.

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