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Update is live and raknet is on development

2/18 @ 2:14am EST - Just updated dev server. If you're looking for it, make sure you're opted into the dev branch.

12:30pm EST - Early this morning, the big update hit main. This update features a bunch of changes to gameplay and sets everyone back on an even playing field (A blueprint wipe was forced game-wide). Here’s a summary of what's changed:

Update summary

Known bugs

  • Human meat can't be eaten
  • Bows are getting fucked up and not being able to shoot in some instances
  • Black water on low graphics quality (toggle up and back down to fix)

Where'd the dev server go?

As with most updates big updates, the new client update comes out and people join our development branch server. Then, inevitably, updates hit the development branch and clients not opted in lose the ability to see or connect to the server. This is going to happen again in the next couple hours. To opt into the development branch, please follow these instructions

Can build on roads again

Yesterday, Andre made it so you can’t build on roads. Today, prior to launching the update to main, Garry reversed this decision and allowed building on roads again. I’m torn on this one. On one hand, it doesn’t make sense that you wouldn’t be able to build on a dirt path. On the other hand, I like the idea of it being harder for a group to wall off rad towns.

Bullet velocity

Maurino has been doing some work on bullet velocity today. He’s made it so damage is variable based on velocity. He’s also make projectile drag work properly and balanced the weapon damage. I plan on hopping into dev a bit later today to test out these new stats.

Raknet is on dev

Lidgren has officially been removed, replaced with the new networking system, Raknet. This change is live on development and may make it a rocky couple of days for players on the development branch. Ideally, once some of the kinks are ironed out, we’ll see much less issues with players jumping around and items getting desynced.

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