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Monday Morning Update: The Run Down

1:55pm EST - This week in Rust development kicked off with a small client and server update. Although the update didn’t change too much visually, it does features some significant performance improvements. Here’s a summary of what’s new today...

Faster load times

The load times on both the client and server appear to be a lot faster after this update. On the client end, I’m loading around 1000 entities at a time. This is about 10 times faster than last week! The server end is also showing great improvements, allowing for quicker restarts and hopefully longer times between wipes. Awesome!

Updated console

If you hit F1 today, you’ll see some new tabs on the left side of your screen. Most relevant to players is the Network Information tab. This allows you to see the IP of the server you are connected to along with your ping and packet data. The other new tab is the Entity List. This tab is mainly for debugging by providing information on the status of all entities in the server.

Campfires doing burn damage again

If you’ve gotten accustomed to stepping on your campfires, watch out! The update today reinstated burn damage for campfires.

Stability tweaks

There have been some changes to stability also in this update. Building parts are falling quicker if they are not stable so you officially can no longer make sky bridges or impossible structures. That is, if stability is on...

server.stability convar

Garry added a new convar, server.stability. This variable, which is ‘True’ by default, controls if building stability is on or off. When set to ‘False,’ you can build anything, any which way (sky bridges and other crazy structures). I can see this being a cool setting to toggle on creative servers, however, we’re going to leave it on in our community server.

Mac users still fucked

Unfortunately, this update did not fix the texture glitches introduced several days ago. The game is still pretty unplayable for Mac users (and some Windows users). Garry is aware of this issue so hopefully we'll see a fix soon.

Lighthouse bigger

This one doesn’t appear to have made it into the update, however, I wanted to mention it anyway. Daniel moved the trello card to the done this week pile meaning the lighthouse monument will soon be making a comeback and will be taller than ever!

Sawn off Shotgun

Tom added a new trello card with a first look at the Sawn off shotgun. Nice, can’t wait to see this in the game!