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Forests, stones and new snow jackets

A glimpse at what the terrain may look like in the future. More on the trello card Operation: Unsuck the environment

3:45pm EST - Garry just tweeted "No devblog tonight guys - sorry - it'll be posted tomorrow instead. Don't read anything into this." Ready... set... start reading into it!

12:30pm EST - It’s been a solid week of bug fixes and game tweaks. Along with a ton of welcomed fixes, we saw the departure of our favorite gathering tool, the bone knife. We also endured a crippling blow the speed of our most trusted building tool, the hammer. I want to point out, although these changes appear to suck now, they are for the best. It doesn't make any sense to have an inexpensive weapon be the best gathering tool and increasing the hammer delay now makes the salvaged hammer a viable tool for levels 4 and above. Balance is crucial in life and in games. The fact that we are seeing tweaks like this is an indicator of just how far the game has come and how fast it is progressing. Ok, enough waxing poetic, on to todays updates.

Update note: The last client update we saw was Wednesday afternoon. I've got my fingers crossed we see one before we go into the weekend.


Andre has been doing a lot of work around the tree’s and forests over the past day. He’s made the forest size and frequency tweakable for each forest type, added placeholder trees to the arid biome, added dedicated forest edge regions to allow for dense border foliage, and a bunch of other tweaks and optimizations. Long story short, forests will be looking a bit different when this next update launches.

Rock spawns

Petur has made some changes to the rock spawns so they stop looking like ‘giant litter box turds.’ Sweet.

Building components tests

Garry has made several changes to the building system this week. Today, he’s is working on some tests for building components.

Snow jacket variants

Petur has also added a couple variants of the snow jacket. Lets look at the new fall line: