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In with the new, out with the old... trees.

Say goodbye to the trees on the left... it's pure speedtree from here on out.

3:25pm EST - The devblog is up! Go check it out at

11:20pm EST - Happy Friday everybody! It's devblog day, which is always exciting! Until that comes out, let's take a look at some of the progress the team has made in the last few hours.

Bye bye billboards!

It's a big day for tree lovers. No, I'm not talking /r/trees, I'm talking speedtrees! For the last week or two we've had two fundamental types of trees in the game: the old trees and the speedtrees.

The old trees stand there idle, blipping out of existence and back in as you get within 40 yards of them. This was caused by the billboard system which shows different versions of the trees depending on how far away from them you are. The system never quite worked right and it made walking through a forest closer to a schizophrenic experience than a leisurely stroll.

Speedtrees majestically blow in the wind. You can see them from great distances and they consistently stay visible as you approach them. They also don't cause your FPS to go lower than a snakes belly.

That's all changing as of today because the old trees and billboard system are gone! I have a hunch this should have large performance boosts, especially for people who were experiencing lower frames in forests. Can't wait to see this implemented!

Bushes: The Next Generation

Petur has added another generation of bush. Not sure what a 'new generation' means but new fauna is always welcome in my book!

That's all for now, I'll be updating more as the day progresses and keep an eye out for that devblog!